Healthy Hacks for traveling!


We all know how easy it is to indulge while on vacation, and sometimes (At least me, on an all inclusive island vaca) I don’t even try to be good.. I already know before arriving, I have no recourse when it comes to Island Fare!!

But, I am getting older and its becoming obvious that I am going to have to start watching myself, even while on those awesome all inclusive vacations. I have come up with 10 hacks to keep your vacation calories to a minimum, but still allowing yourself to experience the food and culture of your destination.

  1. Even at an all inclusive, most will offer healthier options such as fruit, yogurt and even eggs for breakfast. I would usually stick to the healthier options because I would much more prefer to use those breakfast calories for something much more..saaayyyy, alcoholic! Pina Colada anyone?).
  2. Bring snacks. I always keep a bag of nuts, some granola bars, pretzels maybe a bag of popped corn (lots of places offer microwaves in the room). These will help both with a late night snack attack or even a quick bite if you’re running late in the morning and need to get to a tour etc.
  3. If I buy it from a pile and not a refrigerated space, then I know its ok to not be refrigerated. Things like Bananas, apples, oranges and grapes are a great add to your bag as well.
  4. At an all inclusive, grab some extra fruit or veggie sticks while you’re eating. They usually don’t mind if you bring some up to your room. Then, you can snack on that instead of ordering room service later on. Especially if you weren’t able to grab some fruit before you left for vacation.
  5. If the restaurant offers, always eat a salad before your meal. I know I know, who wants salad on vacation – But this is going to get in the roughage to ensure your meal is more filling (Killing 2 birds with one stone here!) but it is also going to cut the calories you’d eat if you didn’t start with the roughage. This is especially useful on a European vacation.
  6. Pick one meal per day to indulge and keep the rest semi healthy. While on vacation, you don’t want to feel deprived but you also don’t want to gain 15lbs before going home! What I like to do is pick a part of the day to eat either a little more or a little less healthy! I am a big breakfast person, and usually id rather have the bacon and a waffle and eat a salad for dinner ..but if I know I am going to a great Mexican restaurant for dinner, I will chose the lighter fare and indulge at dinner.
  7. Be sure to keep hydrated and drink plenty of water. It will keep you full and cut down on bloat if you’re eating particularly salty foods etc. Also, dehydration can lead to headaches, muscle cramps and fatigue etc. Keeping hydrated will keep you feeling your best.
  8. At restaurants, chose broiled, steamed baked or poached options.
  9. Ask for dressings and condiments on the side, This will allow you to control how much you are consuming.
  10. Take a look at the menu before arriving. Yelp has made this easier and will typically offer you a glance. This will keep you from making rushed decisions and allow you to plan the healthiest version of what you’d prefer!

**11. BONUS: Usually restaurants will offer great lunch deals. Use your lunch as a heftier meal instead of dinner like we Americans are used to. Not only will it help the wallet, but it gives you time to work off those calories 😉

Obviously there are more but I hope these help! I know it can be difficult keeping it healthy while on vacation but these little hacks can really help keep some of that bloat away!! HAPPY TRAVELING!!

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